Simple.css is an open source project, meaning that anyone can contribute and make changes. To become a contributor to Simple.css, use the following steps.

  • First, fork the repository using the button in the top right.
  • Run the command git clone This will make a version of Simple.css on your computer.
  • Pick an issue on the project, and get started working on it. While working, be sure to run the command npm install & npm run dev & npm watch. This will make sure that your changes are made live to the index.html file.
  • Once you have finished the task, run the command npm run prod, commit your changes using git add * git commit -m "your message here" and git push.
  • Once you have pushed your changes to your fork of the repository, go back to Github and open a new pull request. When we receive your pull request, we will respond with any changes necessary or merge your changes.

Happy coding!